कुछ दिन पहले Osho.com पर हिंदी में ओशो प्रवचनों के कुछ उद्धरण पढ़ रहा था. निम्नांकित उद्धरण पर मेरी नज़र टिकी : "अतीत के बुद्ध किसी सामाजिक क्रांति में उत्सुक नहीं थे। उनका संपूर्ण संबंध अपनी उपलब्धि से था, अपनी आध्यात्मिक उपलब्धि से था। एक तरह से वे स्व-केन्द्रित थे;...
ओशो को जन साधारण तक पहुँचाने का कार्य
यह बात वर्ष 1987-1988 के दिनों की है जब आश्रम में नीरज जैसे लोकप्रिय कवियों और कल्याण जी भाई जैसे संगीतकारों, तथा अन्य कलाकारों का आना जाना शुरू हुआ और आश्रम में बुद्धा सभागार में उनके कार्यक्रमों के दौरान "फ्रेंड्स ऑफ़ ओशो" बैनर भी लगना शुरू हुआ. ओशो इनमें से...
गर याद रहे!
5 जुलाई 2020 को महाराष्ट्र के गवर्नर माननीय श्री भगत सिंह कोशियारी को ओशो इंटरनेशनल फाउंडेशन के एक ट्रस्टी मुकेश सारडा ने अपनीओर से एक स्पष्टीकरण पत्र पेश किया था, जिसमें मुझे कुछ बिंदु रोचक लगे, उनमें से एक यह है : "ओशो इंटरनेशनल मेडिटेशन रिजार्ट एक शैक्षणिक फाउंडेशन है,...
The Star, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Remember, meditation is not something that is done by the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind stops, meditation happens. It is not something out of the mind, it is something beyond the mind Osho on meditation
Kabir Week at Osho World: Malashri Prasad Sings Bhajans of this Mystic
A week dedicated to this secular mystic poet Kabir will pay homage to His devotion and wisdom with the release of a set of audiotapes of Osho discourses on Kabir entitled The Divine Melody and an Osho book, The Revolution.
Old Rajneesh Commune Lightens Up in Afterlife – By AMY WALDMAN
Participants in the Osho Commune International wear maroon most of the time, because that is what Osho wanted. For evening meditation they wear white, because Osho wanted it that way.
Meditation Camp at Dharali, Gangotri
"The energy goes on moving away and away from you, towards the periphery. Once you are the master, the energy starts moving homeward. Kabir, one of the great Indian mystics, has said, "The day I became enlightened, I saw the Ganges flowing upcurrent, flowing back to the source." He is...
Osho World Celebrates the spirit of Eternal India
India holds a special place in the heart of Osho. He says, "India is not just geography or history. It is not only a nation, a country, a mere piece of land. It is something more: it is a metaphor, poetry, something invisible but very tangible. It is vibrating with...
Osho World Foundation Hosts Ganga Network Workshop
Osho World Foundation will host a Save Ganga Network Workshop on Sunday, 19 May 2002 at Gandhi Sangrahalaya, Rajghat in New Delhi. This new initiative - Save Ganga Network - will be launched during this event to create a constructive platform for networking of various organizations and people involved in...
Days of uncreative sanyas are over
"Don't leave this earth / Unless you have made it / A little better than you found it / When you were born / This is the only religion that I know of / All other religions are just fake" - declares Osho in his message to his disciples, though...
Mulla Nasrudin Celebrates Osho World’s Mirthday!
Mulla Nasrudin, the laughing Sufi mystic popularized by Osho in his discourses celebrated Osho World's second birthday - no, Mirthday! - in a rip-roarious manner on April Fools Day renamed as Mulla Nasrudin Day.
April Fool’s Day – No, Mulla Nasrudin Day!
A new hilarious twist will be added to the timeworn April Fool’s Day this year as Osho World Foundation declares 1st April as Mulla Nasrudin Day in honour of this laughing mystic.
MEDITATIONS : The true art of love: Rise in love
Love is in the air, declares every newspaper on this year's Valentine's Day. So let's breathe this air. It does not matter whether it is a Christian occasion or a Hindu one, it is worth celebrating.
MEDITATIONS : Celebrating life is living life intensely
"Osho left his body on 19 Janaury, 1990. His disciples celebrate this day as Osho Mahotsav all over the world. Often people ask Osho disciples: "Why do you celebrate death?"
Now, row at commune over celebrations
Should birthdays be celebrated? Should death anniversaries be observed? While the answer may seem obvious to most people, the "management team" at the Osho Commune International has begged to differ: It has decided against celebrating anniversaries associated with their master's life.
Love & meditation: Two sides of same coin
The other day a young girl got initiated into sannyas. It is surprising that so many young people are interested in spirituality these days. But what was really unique about this girl is that she decided to choose her new name herself: Prem Sakshi. It was her conscious decision to...
Trimurti of Maths, Music, Meditation
Music comes closest to meditation. Music is a way towards meditation and the most beautiful way. Meditation is the art of hearing the soundless sound, the art of hearing the music of silence - what the Zen people call the sound of one hand clapping. When you are utterly silent,...
As for Tagore, Osho’s Works Must be Copyright Free
The waiving of restrictive copyright on the works of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore will set them free for the entire world to appreciate the heritage of this mystic poet who is India's only Nobel Laureate in literature. In the same vein, like the message of all Buddhas. Osho's works need to...
Laugh like a Buddha, for life is laughable
The beginning of a new year, seriously, is a laughing matter. It is indeed a laughing matter because in the realms of time there's no beginning and no end. Life exists in the timeless dimension of the eternal now. This is something to be meditated upon, laughed about, which is...
Osho: A Mystic And Divine Life
Born in Kuchwada, Madhya Pradesh, India on December 11, 1931, Osho says of his parents, "I had chosen this couple for their love, their intimacy, their almost one-ness." Osho was an intuitive and adventurous child who explored life fearlessly and intensely. He insisted on experiencing life for himself rather than...
War Signifies Lust For Power
A disciple asked Osho, ‘‘What is the best government?’’ Osho or Bhagwan Rajneesh replied, ‘‘No government. The very idea of somebody governing somebody else is inhuman. Government is a game, the ugliest and the dirtiest game in the world. But there are people in the lowest state of consciousness who...
‘Best Poet’ at just 21
For Mohammed Warris Haquani, a student of physiotherapy, poetry is a hobby and a passion. Haquani wasn't aware he would shine in the world of literature at such a young age. He is just 21 years. His joy knew no bounds when the International Society of Poets adjudged him the...
Guru Nanak Week inaugurated to mark Gurpurab
Former Chief Election Commissioner M. S. Gill has said that disrespect to other religions and considering one's own religion as the sole repository of truth was the root cause of violence all over the world.
It's a spiritual supermarket and the west is buying in heavily. Molshree vaid takes a walk on the esoteric side of town. KOREGAON park reeks of spirituality. There’s even a California Healing Arts centre advertised here.
Let There Be Light
Diwali, the festival of lights, is very significant for all of us, as it can function as a reminder that we need to bring light into our life. Though there are historical reasons to celebrate Diwali- to remember Lord Rama's victory and celebrate with lighting the lamps and enjoying the...
Bhagwan’s Secretary
“They’re selling my guru.” Ma Yog Neelam on the conspiracy to commercialise Osho -Dharminder Kumar
Don't search for any light outside. The last words of Buddha were 'Be a light unto yourself. Be a lamp unto yourself.' Don't search for light anywhere else; the light is already there, the fire is already there. Just probe a little deeper into your being, enquire. Maybe much ash...
‘Osho Keeps on Giving me Energy’ – Hans Raj Hans
Hans Raj Hans, the renowned Panjabi singer of India with a repertoire from classical to light vocal, qawwali, ghazal to folk, pop or filmy music revealed that he keeps on getting energy and inspiration from Osho, the enlightened master.
He added a ‘creative dimension’ to meditation
"The grace and feminism in his looks yet the fieryness in his words impressed me instantly. Osho was a revolutionary," said Ma Yog Neelam recapitulating the moment when she met him for the first time in 1969 at Ludhiana.
"Can something that Osho has said be copyrighted at all? Can an individual, a firm, an institution and a foundation have right on these great messages both in the form as well as the content?'' asked Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar.
The wonderful message of Osho is that, we want a Buddha who is also an Einstein, said one of India's leading scientists, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, at Osho World on 10 October.
Science tempered by spirituality is key to civility
A sannyasin from USA has sent me a lovely joke, which is a significant comment on the present situation in the US. This joke is a news item that no newspaper has published.
The world today needs a scientist who is also a spiritualist and a thinker working for peace: a cross between Einstein and Gautam Buddha, according to wellknown information technologist Vijay Bhatkar.
Desperately Needed Now: ‘Einstein The Buddha’
The world now needs Einstein the Buddha for the fusion of science and spirituality according to Osho, said Padamshree Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, chairman of Dishnet and former Director of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), in New Delhi on Wednesday evening.
Pivko’s palace of creative space
HERE is more to one of the world’s most creative forces, than charismatic aura and eloquence, we discovered. Master architect Ilan Pivko was in Pune recently, visiting the Osho commune with his wife and friends. Pivko is a high-flier and his friendcircle includes couturier Isse Miyaki and French movie star...
Religion Of Sane People Is Love
''OSAMA bin Laden does not live in Afghanistan'', declare the fundamentalists in Afghanistan and Pakistan. ''He lives in our hearts'', they proclaim, loudly and proudly.
Spiritual imprints from the canvas of life
Her work immediately transports you to a world far removed from the mundane, but 32-year-old painter Bindu Popli herself is rooted in the affairs of daily life. Happily married to the man of her choice (Hindi scholar Ishaan Mahesh) and a mother of two small kids, aged 6 and 4,...
Ma Yoga Neelam shares the love of Osho
I met Osho in the early 1969 when I was just 20 years old. I was not interested in philosophy, religion or enlightenment. In fact I had never heard the word ‘meditation’. In those years, Osho used to travel around the country, giving discourses. He came to my hometown Ludhiana....
Pyrimads in Pune
Osho's fascination with pyramids and all the esoteric concepts associated with them; his dream that a massive one be constructed right here in Pune, is now turning into a distinct reality.
Oshoites come up with piece de resistance
If you want to live for 300 years, you could consider sitting for just one hour a day inside a pyramid doing absolutely nothing. And you needn't go all the way to Egypt to do so either.
Members of the Osho World pray on Thursday for the victims of the terrorist attacks in the US
THE BEST place to test our meditation is not the Himalayas but the world, with all its struggles, trials and tribulations. We have to be at the centre of the things to be able to get the right perspective. In the seclusion, there’s nothing to provoke us. Our meditation is...
Respond to a situation, don’t react to it
THE BEST place to test our meditation is not the Himalayas but the world, with all its struggles, trials and tribulations. We have to be at the centre of the things to be able to get the right perspective. In the seclusion, there’s nothing to provoke us. Our meditation is...
Solace in the Aftermath
Our world has changed tremendously since the terrorist attacks in the United States on Tuesday and this is an unfortunate sign of our times. The horrendous destruction of innocent lives and property is a travesty and the unbelievable effect so few have had upon so many is absolutely staggering.
Osho Commune foray into real estate
I remember a statement made by the late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi more than a decade ago. He had said, "Man's instinct for violence was reflected in acts of terrorism, the concept of power blocs, the arms race, and the practice of apartheid. We have exchanged the primitive club for...
Universal love in the times of terrorism
I remember a statement made by the late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi more than a decade ago. He had said, "Man's instinct for violence was reflected in acts of terrorism, the concept of power blocs, the arms race, and the practice of apartheid. We have exchanged the primitive club for...
Osho World Meditates for Victims of Terrorist Attacks in USA
When you see a beautiful face of a man or a woman or a child, if really you are struck by the beauty, the experience is not only aesthetic; it is religious. In that moment of beauty, God has looked at you through that face; God has revealed himself to...
A dance with Krishna
When you see a beautiful face of a man or a woman or a child, if really you are struck by the beauty, the experience is not only aesthetic; it is religious. In that moment of beauty, God has looked at you through that face; God has revealed himself to...
Osho Disciples to Celebrate Neo-Sannyas Day on 26th September
Osho disciples around the world will be celebrating Neo-Sannyas Day (Nav-Sannyas divas in India) on 26th September this year and every year. This is the day when Osho introduced his vision of sannyas and initiated his first group of disciples as his sannyasins in a meditation camp in Manali.
Taking God on Trust
TRUTH is not a belief, it is an experience. The experience does not happen in the domain of thought or mental processes. It happens in our heart, in our being or soul; and we may also call it consciousness. It is a form of realisation without any conflict of dogma...
Sing a new prayer to the Almighty daily
“God is not an ascetic, otherwise there would be no flowers, there would be no green trees, only deserts. God is not an ascetic, otherwise there would be no song in life, no dance in life - only cemeteries and cemeteries.
Enlightened person’s sphere of influence
AN ENLIGHTENED master is a transforming force. He does not do anything, but things start happening in his presence. It is because he does not exist as a person or as an ego. Miraculous things happen in his presence. These things keep happening long after the master is gone physically,...
Kathak King Celebrates Dancing God Krishna
Kathak King Birju Maharaj celebrated the birth of the dancing god Lord Krishna with his exquisite poses at Osho World Galleria on Sunday.
Advani meditates, says he was influenced by Osho
Taking time off his hectic schedule, Union Home Minister L K Advani today spent some time meditating in a departmental store here and revealed that he has been influenced by the teachings of spiritual Guru Osho.
Osho: Most Original Thinker of India – Advani
‘India My Love’ is a feeling that should extend throughout one’s life instead of just one week, said Shri l. K. Advani, the Union Home Minister while launching ‘India My Love’ Week at Osho World Galleria today.
Home Minister Advani to Inaugurate ‘India My Love Week’ at Osho World Galleria
Union Home Minister Shri L. K. Advani will inaugurate ‘India My Love’ Week at Osho World Galleria, Ansal Plaza, New Delhi at 6 p.m. on Monday, 13 August 2001. The name of this event from 13 to 19 August is inspired by Osho’s best-selling book with this title that is...
Lord Krishna and the art of total living
IT IS not without reason that Lord Krishna is worshipped as the complete incarnation of God on earth—the Purnavatar. Krishna deserves this his place, for he’s the only incarnation of God who is multi-dimensional. He is comfortable in all the shades and colours of life and he accepts life in...
Osho has interpreted Lord Krishna for the new century
Osho has interpreted Lord Krishna for the new century in a most unique way, said Shri Krishan Kant, the Vice President of India. Shri Vinod Khanna M. P. was also present at the occasion. Inaugurating Osho World's Krishna Week in New Delhi on Monday, Shri Krishan Kant said that the...
The swami in the shopping mall says you can find spirituality anywhere - even down the hall from a department store. This swami, Chaitanya Keerti, is a disciple of Osho, or “The Blessed One, on whom the Sky Showers Flowers.” Osho, who died 1990, once was known as Bhagwan Shree...
Meditation for Transformation
I came across an interesting meaning of the word "development": develop means unveil. Velop is veil and de-velop means unveiling. And we already know the meaning of envelop: veiling. Osho gives a similar meaning to meditation: that which comes out from within, emerging from within, an unfoldment.
The inner light
YOGA and meditation have become famous in the West these days and their popularity is growing day by day. This popularity is mainly due to the benefits that body, mind and soul accrue by practising them. At the same time, a lot of misunderstanding prevails about yoga and meditation.
Osho is still driving everyone crazy!?
Guru Poornima has just gone by and like many other gurus, Osho too was remembered fondly, by his disciples, across the globe. His unique meditation techniques and his novel philosophy of Zorba, the Buddha, has made him internationally well-known, with his name and works, not blurred by the sands of...
Madding crowd
For more than fifty years, India and Pakistan have been fighting because they did not listen to the wisdom of the "mad" people. Life is a mystery: Sometimes mad people prove wiser than the so-called sane people. Now as the Vajpayee-Musharraf meeting date nears, I have chosen to tell them...
Osho World Celebrates a Dancing God during Krishna Week
Krishna is a dancing God, says Osho. And to celebrate the joy and laughter and song, Osho World will hold its Krishna Week from 6 August to 12 August, 2001 at its galleria in Ansal Plaza, New Delhi.
The Guru-Disciple Relationship
In his discourses compiled in The Great Challenge, Osho replied: First of all, a guru is not a teacher; a guru is a person who has attained a religious mode of living. Religion is not information, it cannot be taught because religion is a way of living. The very presence...
Osho’s Message for PM Vajpayee and President Musharraf
When India was divided into two nations, India and Pakistan, a rumor was heard that there was a madhouse just on the boundary. Neither India nor Pakistan was interested to take the madhouse. But something had to be done. It had to go somewhere. Finally, the chief superintendent of the...
The Guru Awakens & Heals the Mind
It is unlike a student-teacher relationship, which is very formal. A teacher imparts knowledge to students and gets paid for it. A guru does not merely impart knowledge to his disciples; he shares his being and illumination with them. The disciples learn the deeper meaning of life by living in...
Ma Vivek, Osho’s attendant later known as Ma Nirvano
You can ask Vivek for two lives she has been falling in love; this is her second life with me. You ask her why, and it will be impossible to answer. She can cry or she can laugh or she can dance, but she cannot answer why because there is...
God is not the equal of my guru
there will be celebrations all over the country in praise of Guru, the master. The guru is a concept of the East - something uniquely Eastern. The West knows teachers or preachers but there is no concept like that of Guru there.
Cleansing within, the Osho Way
It's NOT their smiles...It's the glint in them and how they're welling up their eyes, is what tells you that something very beautiful, very, very beautiful, has happened to them. It has. By way of Osho Nisarg Foundation, that has just sent lighter beings back home. After this three-day camp...
"I can abandon God, but I can never abandon my guru," sang the famous mystic Sahjo Bai about her guru Charandas. With these sentiments in mind three Members of Parliament Shri Vijay Goyal, Ms. Chandrika Jain and Shri Vinod Khanna will inaugurate Guru Purnima Week at Osho World at 5:30...
Fathers and sons
Once I visited a sanyasin friend of mine — Swami Kapil. We were busy chatting when Kapil’s father came in. I had never met his father earlier, so Kapil introduced me to him, saying: Meet my ‘‘biological father’’. I felt embarrassed to hear a statement like that but I saw...
Osho World Invites Mehdi Hassan: His Longing goes deeper than his native village
To the favourite ghazal singer of Osho Mehdi Hassan, Osho World Foundation has extended a warm invitation to India and more particularly Delhi. "We hope for his speedy and full recovery so that he may come to Delhi," said Swami Chaitanya Keerti, "Osho World Foundation would be delighted to welcome...
Don’t be a prisoner of prejudice
A SPIRITUAL person lives a very simple and spontaneous life. He does not pretend to gain respect from society. He transcends the ordinary notions of respectability, right and wrong, good and bad. His respectability comes from within himself.
When the twain shall MEET
Famous Hollywood actor Anthony Quinn who played Zobra The Greek died but Zobra the Buddha conceived by osho lives on forever. In his most memorable role, Quinn played a midle-aged guide who celebrates life in a film based on the novel by the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis. He eats,drinks,...
Zorba The Greek is Dead. Zorba The Buddha Lives for Ever!
The famous Hollywood actor Anthony Quinn who played Zorba The Greek has died but Zorba the Buddha conceived by Osho lives on for ever. In his most memorable role Quinn played a middle-aged guide who celebrates life in a film based on the novel of the same name by Nikos...
Learn To Live Like A Lotus
Meditation isn't concentration, although the two are confused with each other. Concentration is a mind exercise to focus on a particular subject, but meditation is a state of consciousness where there are no thoughts and no mind. Yoga and breathing exercises only prepare the ground for meditation, so these methods...
Kushwant answers on the subject of OSHO
I am a 25-year-old software engineer from India. Needless to say, I am an avid reader of your works. I am curious about how Indian youth and the Indian media are still unaware of Osho's philosophy. I feel he is the greatest mystic ever. Do you think people like Osho...
Meditation in the Marketplace
You walk towards the line of showrooms at the Ansal Plaza and all you can hear is noise. People doing rounds of various showrooms – shopping, eating and listening to loud blaring music. Amidst this entire hustle bustle, you enter a gallery and you find a group of people sitting...
Living is love
What I'm keying in has to do with a tangible undertaking. That makes reaching within easier, some number of pages easier. By way of 'Osho World' - the monthly to be released across this region today. Edited by Osho's all-time editor - Swami Chaitanya Keerti - 'Osho World' reaches out...
Playing the ‘MAD’ Game with Kabir
Come, let's play the 'mad' game with Kabir - a game with a beginning but no end, a game with two players but no winners or losers. Osho World invites you to play the MAD - Master and Disciple - Game during Kabir Week from 1 to 7 June 2001...
From Osho’s Ashram To Digital Nirvana
He always had certain images in mind that he wanted to put to paper. But not being a good painter he was unable to do so. So Swami Dhyan Utsav, aka Utsav Arora, did the next best thing — he became a photographer. "Photography gave me the creative satisfaction that...
Kiran Bedi inaugurates week-long meditation and Buddha discourses
As a part of the celebrations to mark Buddha Jayanti, the Capital's Osho World Foundation has initiated daily hours of Meditation, the first of which was set in motion by well known police offier Kiran Bedi here last evening.
Vipassana Meditation in Full Uniform!
A fully uniformed senior Police Officer sitting cross-legged with closed eyes engrossed in deep Vipassana meditation was a singular sight at Osho World Galleria on Wednesday evening when Kiran Bedi inaugurated Buddha Week at this venue.
Buddha’s Message for Bill Gates
Bill Gates must be feeling poorer after being declared number two amongst the richest people on earth and he must be busy planning to regain the lost glory of being number one.
Digital Nirvana – Exhibition of Digital Art and Photographs
For the first time in the capital, Osho World Foundation presents an Exhibition of Swami Dhyan Utsav's Digital Art and Photographs at Osho World Galleria entitled "Digital Nirvana". The exhibition will be inaugurated on the eve of Buddha Purnima, 6th May at 7.00pm by Shri Raghu Rai, internationally recognised as...
This is the new mantra of the Osho International Commune, formerly Rajneesh Ashram. Once a retreat of mostly zonked-out social dropouts from the West in search of libido-induced nirvana, the commune is now off-limits to anyone smoking even a cigarette. To get in, you have to pass an AIDS test....
Bhagwans with a brand
I first visited Oshoville back in its heyday. This was in the late Seventies. When "Bhagwan" Shree Rajneesh was still very much in occupation and it was called an Ashram. I was in my early teens, and only just growing aware of sex and its pervasive influence on human relationships.
You’re not the only one….?
The Osho Commune International in Pune has always been the indisputable outfit when it comes to Osho's works and meditation techniques and continues to attract Indian as well as western tourists. However, its monopoly is being slowly overshadowed by a seemingly parallel outfit in Delhi, that is making news and...
These feet are meant for dancing…
She's the same lady whose eyes had charmed the US-president Bill Clinton himself.We're talking about Mallika Sarabhai who touched down in the Capital for a scintillating performance at the Siri Fort auditorium, organised by the Osho World Foundation.
No, India will resist Americanization.
That's obvious at Osho World, a store in Ansal Plaza. Four followers of the late Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh sit in the "silence zone" at the rear of this outlet for the teachings of their guru, a.k.a. Osho. Devotees and visitors perch cross-legged on saffron cushions, eyes closed, listening to tapes...
Quake-hit Gujarat theme for Mallika Sarabhai’s ‘Tandav’
Denoting various moods of Shiva and Shakti, the danseuse along with her troupe from Darpana Academy captivated the audience during the dance ballet organised by Osho World Foundation, which among others included prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Mallika’s reason to live
Swetna Mago was looking anxious-pretty. The young Bharatnatayam dancer, a seat mate at Siri Fort Auditorium on Sunday, had just sat through a dynamic one-hour dance performance called Shiva-Shakti Vandanam by Mallika Sarabhai and students of her Ahmedabad-based Darpana Academy. She was looking forward to seeing her onstage in the...
Prime Minister Vajpayee Appreciates Osho World Foundation
Before the imminent monsoon, new lightweight housing using a lot of bamboo needs to be built urgently for the people of Gujarat, said Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Sunday at a dance performance by Mallika Sarabhai organized by Osho World Foundation to assist earthquake victims.
People of Gujarat need togetherness
This is a time when the people of Gujarat need togetherness, Vinod Khanna, MP and an Osho disciple, said in New Delhi after his three-week visit to Bhuj where he has set-up a mini tent city to assist earthquake victims.
Give Women A Chance To Establish Peace
A few months ago there was the Millennium World Peace Summit in New York. Nobel Peace laureate from Northern Ireland Betty Williams, Mahatma Gandhi's grand-daughter Ela Gandhi, eminent primatologist Jane Goodall and Vashti Mckenzie from the African Methodist Episcopal Church attended a special session which was presided over by Mrs...
Gurdaspur heals wounds of Gandhidham
OUR MPs can learn a lesson from the people of Gurdaspur and their Lok Sabha representative. They have created a sanctuary for the traumatised people of Kutch, which probably is the only model relief camp in the entire region. And the catalyst behind this remarkable experiment is none other than...
Meditation is celebration.
"The purpose pf Osho World is to make Osho's vision available to the people of Delhi." Located in the heart of the Capital's Ansal Plaza, their main idea is to make it easy for people to "find Osho." Swami Chaitanya Keerti, Director of Osho World, elaborates, "We are in the...
Noyonika’s Niece Is An Osho Admirer
This girl has the distinction of being the first in her school (Air Force Bal Bharti, Lodi Road) to pierce her nose. “A nose ring gives such an Indian look,” says 19-year-old Simar Sukhija, who has been sporting a diamond stud for three years now.
Truth has many facets
Through the ages, Indians have given more importance to mythology than to history; timelessness rather than fleeting time. In ancient Indian scriptures like the Puranas, we have an eminent mystic called Ashtavakra. When he was 12 years old, the Emperor Janak hosted a huge conference of pundits from all over...
‘Haasyamev Jayate!’ – Only Laughter Wins!
After the New Year sneaked in without much fanfare and the midnight parties were all over, celebrations and laughter took off on a high note at Osho World Galleria in Ansal Plaza during the evening of 1 January with Laughter Meditation. In fact, such was the overwhelming response with a...