Oshoites lambast coterie for commercialising commune


PUNE, JULY 1: Oshoites including Swami Chaitanya Keerti, the former spokesman of Osho Commune International, Pune, and Swami Tathagat, a former member of the ‘inner circle’ chosen by Osho, have lambasted a three-member coterie for commercialising the commune.

The three-member group controls the affairs of the Pune commune from their New York office – Osho International, they said.

Keerti and Tathagat told PTI that they will be filing cases in Indian as well as international courts against the three-member group comprising Canadian-born Prem Jayesh, US-born Prem Amrito and Australian Ma Anand, who they alleged had shifted the Osho Commune headquarters from Pune to New York and had surreptitiously made a copyright of Osho’s work in that country when the same has already been copywrited in India.

Keerti, who was also editor of Osho Times International since 1974, parted ways with the commune in March 2000 while Tathagat was an incharge of the Pune Commune and a member of inner circle, till he left the commune.

After the death of Osho, the commune has officially held that Osho chose 21 persons as members of the inner circle which would be empowered to take important decisions regarding the commune.

”Osho is a revolution in consciousness and not a trademark like any soft drink or other consumer product. We want to make Osho free to all so that there is no restriction to meditation, his thoughts, his philosophies and his teachings”, said Keerti.

The Chancellor of the Multivarsity of Osho Commune Pune, Swami Satyavedanta when contacted for the official version of the Commune said ”We do not have any official spokesman now in the commune. So I cannot answer it. It will have to be answered by the Management Team of Osho Commune”.

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