Books I have Loved

Books I have Loved

Osho, the much maligned, maverick modern guru of the "New Age" meditation, was one of the most voracious readers -…
Osho again on Sufi path

Osho again on Sufi path

A machine works according to its design. It cannot do anything for which it is not built. Human beings work…

My People

Anant Ki Pukar, a new Hindi book by Osho has just been published. This beautiful book costs only forty rupees…

A Treasure Chest with Trivia

"One day we will have to write the whole of history with a totally different orientation, because the facts are…

What morality? It is physicality!

“I am the beginning of a totally new religious consciousness. Please don’t connect me to the past — it is…

Don’t believe, just ‘live’

When invited by a well-known religious organisation to speak, Rajneesh, on the spur of the moment, decided to play a…

Osho goes Sufi and thrills you

"GLORY of Freedom" in the series "Sufis: The People of the Path" is one of the most consistent works giving…

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