Guru Vandana Week

Ecstasy is our very nature; to be ecstatic is natural, spontaneous. It needs no effort to be ecstatic, it needs…

Where does man come from?

The modern man has a deep trust in science because science more often than not tries to give some logical…

Determination opens many doors

We often say we are seeking truth or searching God and we want our life to be peaceful, content and…

Zorba the Buddha: The Complete Man

The traditional concept of man was that of a materialist or spiritualist, moral or immoral person, sinner or saint. A…

Know your being

We make ordinary people heroes and when they fall in our eyes, we crush them to pieces. This is a…
Osho Admirer Dr. Manmohan Singh becomes Prime Minister of India

Osho Admirer Dr. Manmohan Singh becomes Prime Minister of India

In a scenario where the world is changing at a hectic pace which often makes it difficult to maintain one’s…

Feeling Functions

Life is a process of learning. We stop growing when we stop learning. What we learn from outside sources is…

Tea Lounge

Now you have belly and pole vault dancers in Pune's pubs and of course even FTV at home. Therefore, digesting…

Home-cooked food, but no cricket

For a person who likes to spend his spare time reading books, Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani could find…

The Star, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Remember, meditation is not something that is done by the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the…

Kabir Week at Osho World: Malashri Prasad Sings Bhajans of...

A week dedicated to this secular mystic poet Kabir will pay homage to His devotion and wisdom with the release…

Old Rajneesh Commune Lightens Up in Afterlife - By AMY...

Participants in the Osho Commune International wear maroon most of the time, because that is what Osho wanted. For evening…
Meditation Camp at Dharali, Gangotri

Meditation Camp at Dharali, Gangotri

"The energy goes on moving away and away from you, towards the periphery. Once you are the master, the energy…

Osho World Celebrates the spirit of Eternal India

India holds a special place in the heart of Osho. He says, "India is not just geography or history. It…

Osho World Foundation Hosts Ganga Network Workshop

Osho World Foundation will host a Save Ganga Network Workshop on Sunday, 19 May 2002 at Gandhi Sangrahalaya, Rajghat in…

Days of uncreative sanyas are over

"Don't leave this earth / Unless you have made it / A little better than you found it / When…

Mulla Nasrudin Celebrates Osho World's Mirthday!

Mulla Nasrudin, the laughing Sufi mystic popularized by Osho in his discourses celebrated Osho World's second birthday - no, Mirthday!…


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