Osho Verlag, CologneAll the German Osho books and lots of music CDs for meditation, relaxation and celebration
Osho Times, German edition
Osho UTA Institut
On of the largest European Osho Meditation Centers in Cologne, Germany offering meditations, lots of trainings and therapy groups in all fields of human growth.
Friends of Osho … worldwide – finding sannyasins, centers and …
Vancouver sannyas community magazine – stories and articles by sannyasins about the path and process, & Osho discourses.
The global sannyas portal: We aim to become a central information point for the sannyas world, covering news from and about sannyasins and the world of Osho.
Friends of Osho in Italy… and more
Osho Institute for Living and Dying
Osho Ko Hsuan School – My opinion
A few years ago I had the privilege of living and working at a quite extraordinary school in Devon in England. Called Osho Ko Hsuan School – after a chinese zen master. The school is inspired by the teachings of the Indian sage Osho and has an innovative approach to education. It is a real community for kids who take responsibility along with the adults for its day to day running and upkeep. This is a review of the school from Pavi who at sixteen years old looks back at his six years at Ko Hsuan.
Website of the Humaniversity and Veeresh
Osho Ojas Meditation Centerin Lithuania. Meditation School
Osho Meditations in Frankfurt, Germany
Alternative Uk web-site for sannyasins and lovers of Osho. Carries articles etc on main stream sannays as well as those who may have become enlightened through Osho or who had long periods with him during their biography. Tries to offer a wider picture where no points of view are censored, unless just vitriol.
Osho in Czech republic: Info about meditations, OMC schedules and other Osho activities in Czech republic (mostly in czech language)
Osho in France: It is the web site for all activities (meditations, therapy groups, Osho’s vision, organic food…) related to Osho’s vision in France. Created by Khirad and Shantidharm.
Gulaab OIMC in spain and we are dedicated to translate, publish and distribute, Osho books in the spanish language contries.
Osho Parimal Commune, beautiful alive Osho commune in the countryside in the middle of Germany, daily dynamic, kundalini, White Robe, guest house, worker program, bar, bistro, disco. holiday program such as horse riding, cycling, swimmming, tennis etc.
Osho Tapoban: Located at the outskirts of Kathmandu Valley amidst the Himalayan forests where NAGARJUNA, the eninent exponent of Buddist Philosophy meditated for 30 years and attained ultimate enlightenment, TAPOBAN provides, physical as well as mental retreat froma all strains of day to day life.
Osho Meditation Festival 2002, summer at Lanzarote
Croydon Hall: An holistic venue in beautiful Somerset, England run by Sanyasins is looking for Sanyasins wishing to join the commnunity to live and work together on short time or long time basis. If interested please email us at info@croydonhall.co.uk
Love to all, The Croydon Hall Team!!!
Osho Publications in Netherlands: Everything you want to know about Osho and his teachings, meditations, jokes, books…
Kuchwada: Love and Meditation in Osho’s village. Osho was born in Kuchwada, Madhya Pradesh, India. Still now, the house he had lived is here. Some Japanese sannyasins are working on fixing this house, also starting to build a beautiful commune to meditate with Osho’s love.
Osho Manjusha Meditation Center: Meditation Center and Commune in beautiful nature 200 km south of Berlin – daily meditations, longer retreats, various workshops, spiritual counseling, lots of offers for leisure time and holidays, at the moment completely new construction of a meditation hall and several houses for living and business – interesting website in German language with lots of information and discussion-forum