Response from a mystice rose from Berlin

we should organize a OSHO-FOR-ALL love parade, Zorba the Bhudda style, in every city with an Osho center..maybe on the day he left his we had it when he was imprísioned in Amerika..and somehow isn't a part of him prisoned there again?It would serve several purposes.

Letter from Swami Krishnadev Satyarthi

Recently I came to learn from Swami Chaitanya Keerti that the New York based Osho International Foundation has altered and manipulated Osho's original words in one of their recent publications.

Open Letter from Sw. Anunado

Osho created situations. From orange clothes and malas, through discourses, groups, and meditations, to the Ranch and inner circle, he gave us countless ways to become more aware of our own unconsciousness. His only concern for his sannyasins was for us to wake up.

Response to the open letter from Anunado by Sw. Satya

"Osho created situations. From orange clothes and malas, through discourses, groups, and meditations, to the Ranch and inner circle, he gave us countless ways to become more aware of our own unconsciousness. His only concern for his sannyasins was for us to wake up."


I applaud Anunado for writing a letter in a spirit of encouraging good will to each other by promoting discussion between the IC and sannyasins at large. I think though what has happened though is that many sannyasins have already attempted for a long time to have meaningful discussions with...

Response from Sw. Anand

Read your befitting response to mahesh bhatt's psuedo article calling the master's work as part of entertainment industry. Your existance is a further confirmation of Osho continuous presence which even the latecomers like me feel day in and day out. .... calls for a celebration ...

Trouble in the Lotus Paradise

In America we are reading about the turbulence at the Osho Commune in Pune, India. Now, with Satellite Communications, within minutes India News reaches our bedrooms all over the world.

From Sw. Bodhi Chirag

This letter is an endeavor to make suggestions to the Inner Circle which could change the scenario in Osho's world from commotion to love and peace, if implemented.

Letter to beloved Keerti

It has been long time that I wanted to share with you few thinghs, but I was helpless because of fear of being banned from commune. I do not trust management team, they banned people for no reason, I have the feeling that life will be very hard and different...

Response from Samarpan

Its realy sad that the long connected people are not allowed inside the ashram and inner circle is reducing day by day. I had never met Osho but I am his sanyasin and my sanyas name is jeevan samarpan.

A Letter from Kes’shin

I am finishing my paper for school. I am constantly surprised at how the universe throws the right teachings at the right time. When I started this, the only thing I knew of Osho was a reputation I had heard while living in Oregon, home of the Christian Coalition.

From Deva Satranga

Really enjoying all juicy stories, it's such a great drama! And life carries on, the trees still flower, the clouds, the sun, the birds on the wing, my body breathing, all happening and happening....

From Karan Kakar

I'm actually doing a paper on cultures. I have always been very interested in what actually made people come to osho, what did they achieve over at the ashram. was osho a culture by itself .

From Swami Prem Peeyoosh

The birth of OSHO WORLD is really birth of a new Osho world; a world of love , respect for eachother and a respect for the Guru and his work in real oriental sense of responsibility. We the Osho friends of Barnala are with you.Excelsior!

From Swami Krishnadev Satyarthi

Congratulation for bringing out or it would be more appropriate if I say for launching a monthly Osho magazine. As you were a master editor of Osho Times in your golden pune days

Letter from Krisana

I am still here in Chile and we are in the 6th day of crying in the Mystic Rose, it is very deep and it is lifting off a whole layer of the misery and pain that Chile has been carrying.

Letter from Anand Arhat

Your Article under the column "Meditation" in HT on the eve of "Guru Purnima" was a welcome change from the pseudo intellectual writings which appear there in routine. Hope you shall be writing more as Osho already predicted that he shall be riding on the winds after leaving the body.

From Arun Babani

overjoyed to be on your website for the first time, and we shall keep in touch. Please guide about bringing the book 'return to innocence' to osho lovers since it was inspired by osho himself. love arun

From Chandra Prakash

I am delighted by your efforts to expose the conspiracy of the Pune people. I am ready to extend my support in this regard. I further request you to keep the Osho legacy pure.

From Ramarshi

A single individual, if he stands against all tradition, needs to be of a great genius, of great creativity......

From Swami Yog Chinmaya

A few years back, I ran into a sannyasin friend, who locally distributes Osho´s books. We talked and I asked about his book distributing.

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