Meditate and shake to cure Internet blues

NEW DELHI September 1, 1998

Internet surfers suffering from loneliness can meditate, shake and dance their way out of depression, according to a group of spiritual mystics in northern India.

The Osho Commune International, based in the Indian city of Pune, announced Tuesday that it had developed a new meditation technique to roll away the Internet blues and sharpen a surfer’s concentration.

The technique, known as “Osho Kundalini,” is an “active, four-stage meditation which involves shaking the whole body in the first stage and dance in the second,” commune spokesman Swami Chaitanya Keerti told AFP.

“Doing this meditation will benefit all the net surfers who experience depression or loneliness,” Keerti said.

A guide to the technique – plus the appropriate music to shake and dance to – is already available on the commune’s special web site.

“It can be downloaded by surfers and sufferers to shake out their depression,” Keerti said, adding that commune members using the technique had experienced “greater awareness when surfing the net.”

The commune was founded in Pune in 1974, by an Indian spiritual mystic, Osho, who died in 1990.

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