September 29, 2001
By Swami Chaitanya Keerti
Our world has changed tremendously since the terrorist attacks in the United States on Tuesday and this is an unfortunate sign of our times. The horrendous destruction of innocent lives and property is a travesty and the unbelievable effect so few have had upon so many is absolutely staggering.
Osho says, “A meditator cannot kill; a meditator cannot be destructive. War, violence, murder, massacre of millions of people will not happen if a man knows something about meditation, then he not only knows himself, but also knows the other whom he is killing. He knows that the other person is is his brother and they all belong to the same oceanic existence.”
In the horrendous aftermath of this attack, the entire world desperately needs the balm of meditation to bring peace for the departed souls, solace for their loved ones and speedy recovery for the injured. On a spiritual level, we are all connected and thus it is impossible to imagine that a few can wreck such destruction on so many.
Much healing needs to take place all around the world. This is a delicate time during which meditation can accomplish the most effective and powerful healing for all trauma stricken people and result in the greatest positive benefit.
Osho says, “Be more meditative, become more conscious of your being. Let your inner world become more silent, and love will be flowing through you. People have all these problems. The problems are many but the medicine for all these illnesses is only one, and it is meditation.
He further adds, “I would like you to remind that the word medicine and the word meditation come from the same root. Medicine means something that can cure your body, and meditation means something that can cure your soul. Meditation is meditation only because it is a medicine for your innermost illnesses.”
Every concerned and conscious person should join in meditation at this time of great need to create a positive and powerful wave of Meditative Energy around the world to restore the balance.