Vipassana Meditation in Full Uniform!

News Release
New Delhi, 3 May 2001

A fully uniformed senior Police Officer sitting cross-legged with closed eyes engrossed in deep Vipassana meditation was a singular sight at Osho World Galleria on Wednesday evening when Kiran Bedi inaugurated Buddha Week at this venue.

As Vipassana ended after almost half an hour, an exuberant Ms Bedi remarked that the place had very strong vibrations full of very positive energy. Here was living proof of Osho’s insight – Meditate in the marketplace and test your meditation.

During the Buddha Week until 7 May, a number of special meditations will commence with the chants of ‘Buddham Sharanam Gaachhami’ at 11 a.m. followed by a silent Vipassana Meditation for five minutes and a 30-minute Vipassana in the evening at 6 p. m. In addition, Osho Rajyoga Meditation Centre is holding a Zazen meditation every morning from 8 to 9 a.m.

After presented with the Book of the Week ‘Es Dhammo Sanantano’ and the audio taped Discourses of the Week with the same title, she launched an MP3-CD of Osho’s ten discourses on Buddha under the same title. She remarked these innovations provide a new format and preserve them better for more people to benefit from, adding that she was looking forward to hearing them on her PC!

During her tour of the Galleria she admired the numerous new titles of Osho’s works in translation that are now available for the ever increasing number of people who clamour for them. Her first spontaneous reaction on seeing the display caused laughter when she remarked, “This is a place I will commit ‘a theft’ of Osho books!”

One of Osho’s insights – ‘Be Realistic, Plan for a Miracle’ – was penned in calligraphy with her name during her visit. On reading it she said, “It is difficult to accept but one can only plan for a miracle!” adding that she would like to frame it as a reminder.

Next week, Ms Bedi plans to introduce Osho’s discourses for 1600 Police Officers at Police Training Academy on the outskirts of Delhi during their hourly session of religious instruction session.

Recalling how she came in touch with Osho during her duty as the Director General of Tihar Jail when she introduced Osho’s meditations for the prisoners, she said that Osho had influenced and impressed her. These sentiments were expressed in her entry in the Osho World Galleria Guest Book, “Osho is needed by one and all. What he says is to put the individual on the path of life or path of recovery. For me Osho’s books and audiotapes are a life line, an awareness, a revision, a total nourishment to go up in life, and to understand it, an effort ongoing. I thank all those who brought the Osho World for us here.”

Osho is a modern day Buddha whose wisdom, clarity and humour have touched the lives of millions of people around the world. He is creating the conditions for the emergence of what he calls the ‘New Man’ or Zorba, the Buddha – the combination the celebration, dance and song of Zorba and the silence, stillness and meditation of the Buddha, the meditation of the East and the materialism of the West. Zorba the Buddha is a totally new human being who is aware, life-affirmative and free. “When a Buddha moves the wheel of dharma, it takes two thousand five hundred years for it to stop completely.” said Osho.

“The wheel that Buddha moved has stopped. The wheel has to be moved again. And that is going to be my and your life’s work – that wheel has to be moved again. Once it starts revolving it will again have twenty-five centuries’ life” Osho’s insights into the teachings of Gautama the Buddha, his vision of the ‘New Man’ and his techniques for people to realize their own potential will be the centrepieces of Osho World’s Buddha Week climaxing on 7 May on Buddha Jayanti.

For further information contact
Swami Chaitanya Keerti
Osho World Foundation
Ansal Plaza, Khelgaon Road, New Delhi 110049
Tel. 91-11-626 1616, 17  Fax : 91-11-626 1618

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