What is money and why are most people deeply uncomfortable about it in one way or another?

It is a touchy question because money is not what it appears. Money is more deep-rooted. Money is not just there outside in the currency notes, it is something to do with your inner mind and attitudes. Money is your escape from persons, money is your security against death, money is your effort to control life, money is a thousand and one things. Money is not just in the currency notes otherwise things would have been very easy….
full text: www.indianreporter.com
Osho Tao
The Three Treasures

Religions of the past were all life-negative and masochistic, teaching that sorrow and suffering are great virtues. A laughing religion, a religion that accepts life in its totality is yet to be born. And it is good that old religions are dead, and that along with them the old God, the God of our concepts, is also dead.

A Baul… possesses nothing except a poor man’s quilt, a small, handmade one-stringed instrument called an ektara, a small drum, a kettle-drum… He plays with one hand on the instrument and he goes on beating the drum with the other. The drum hangs by the side of his body, and he dances. That is all of his religion.

When power falls into your hands, all your sleeping dogs start barking. Power comes as a nourishment to you, an opportunity. It is not that power corrupts, you are corrupted. Power only brings your corruption into the open.

Man has to be absolutely empty, only then is the space created for God to descend in him. And we are so full of rubbish, so full of junk; even if God wants to enter he will not find any place inside. Our cups are full… We have to empty the cup completely.

You will need civilisation, culture, education, but don’t get identified
with them. They are games. One can play them because one has to live in society… Watch so that you don’t get identified with them, and whenever they are not needed be natural.

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