Meditation in the Marketplace
June, 2001

You walk towards the line of showrooms at the Ansal Plaza and all you can hear is noise. People doing rounds of various showrooms – shopping, eating and listening to loud blaring music. Amidst this entire hustle bustle, you enter a gallery and you find a group of people sitting in Dhyana Mudra with their eyes closed, in front of a tall photograph of a man with a flowing beard whose looks seem to be piercing through your body. The man in that photo is Osho Rajneesh and the galleria is Osho world.

Welcome to the world of Osho – a place to quench the thirst of information and knowledge about Osho and his vision. It is a place where Osho’s insights live on video and audiotapes and in books he wrote for what he called “learning to really live, love and laugh”.
The Osho world at the Ansal Plaza was opened on April 1, 2000. As you walk in, you are overwhelmed with a sense of peace and realisation. The meditation hour starts at the galleria at 6 pm and anybody who walks in can just join. This is known as meditation in the market place. But how can one do meditation in the centre of a crowded place? Explains Swami Chaitanya Keerti, Director, Osho World, ” It is keeping in view Osho’s philosophy. He was of the opinion that it is not necessary to take refuge in the Himalayas to meditate. This meditation is not for renouncing the world. You meditate and celebrate”.

Apart from daily meditation at the galleria, Osho World also organises a special week per month. In the first week of June, Kabir week will be celebrated. In May, it was Buddha week.

Osho World also organises laughter meditation. Swami Chaitanya Keerti says it is a kind of forced laughter. It is very difficult to start laughing for no reason at all, but once a person warms up, it triggers something in his body. Moreover in groups it is easy to laugh together. Then the eyes are closed, the energy generated by the laughter is experienced and then people sit in silence and meditate. “Be a joke unto yourself’ is the message of Osho.

Then there is Mystic Rose meditation that lasts for three weeks. In the first week, you laugh daily for three hours. In the next week, you cry daily for three hours, followed by the third week, when you just sit in silence.

At the Osho World, you can also buy Objects d’art – statuettes, ceramics, Zen stationary, home textiles and decorations, gifts to inspire and meditate, robes for meditation, herbal cosmetics and tea.
Osho World also organises meditation camps. One such camp will be held at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh from June 21-24.

Then there is Osho Rajyoga centre at Safdarjung Development Area and Osho Dham, a little outside Delhi. Meditation techniques like the Dynamic Kundalini are held every morning and evening at the Safdarjung centre. At Osho Dham, meditation camps are held every weekend and Osho’s videotapes are also shown.
So go ahead and experience Osho through his meditations. A journey that begins with the one fundamental burning question: Who am I?

– Rahul Pandita

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