Is it still possible to become a Sannyasin of Osho? Is becoming a disciple of an enlightened Master not necessarily connected with a Master who is still living in his physical body. How is the tradition in India, has Osho changed this tradition?

Reply by Chaitanya Keerti

Beloved Friend
I have not left the commune. I am part of the larger commune which is spread all over the world. 100-200 people living in the commune in Pune are not the whole commune. Though I am not allowed to enter in Pune commune right now, but I am going to challenge that also. I know that the present management team ( all Indian citizens ) is being dictated by three people based in New York. ( They have themselves admitted in their draft sent to Internet Arbitration Forum that they also operate Osho Commune in Pune) Some kind of remote control exists. So that should be challenged in Indian courts.

So I have not left the commune -I am being forced to stay away. And commune is where the heart is. It is a heart to heart communion.

And yes, it is still possible to become a sannyasin. It does not matter who intiates you into sannyas. What is important is that you receive sannyas. Osho is no longer in his body. He is not a physical body. Osho did not follow any tradition of sannyas. He only adopted this traditional word. All words are traditional – even the word ‘modern’ is also traditonal. So you can take sannyas with all the joy in your heart. Osho will be giving you sannyas – nobody else. He is breathing in all of us.
Come join his caravan!
Love to you

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